We had a pretty good weekend!! Friday when David got home I had the kids all ready and we headed out for dinner at Chillis and then to to the Mall. We had to go to PotteryBarn Kids to get Abby and Brody new backpacks and lunchboxs for school ( well MDO) and while we where there we also got them new napmats. I will post pictures of them ( they are supper cute) when we pick them up this Friday from the Monogram place.
While we were getting the monogramming squared away, I looked down stairs and saw this BEAUTY!!! StarBucks is coming to the Mall!! YAY!!!

Saturday we went out to eat at the Crackle Barrel and then headed over to Cabelas to look around, Davids wants a new ShotGun, and Pistol. And he also needed some clothes :)
Here is Abby and David looking at the animals together

My Sweet Little Emma-Kate riding around with her new BFF Sophie the Giraffe!!

All the babies looking at the animals :)

I made this awesome, No Bake dessert this evening and it was AWESOME!!!!

And then I spent most of the Weekend doing this.....FOLDING CLOTHES!!!!

Today at church we had a great pastor and he was AWESOME!!! He was from Greater Mt. Zion Baspit Church and he had such a passionate heart for Christ, I had such a hard time taking my notes because you didn't want to look away from him. It was a great service!!
I hope ya'll had a blessed weekend!!!