Friday, August 19, 2011
Open house for KKW
Last night we had open house at KKW, our mothers morning out at our church. This will be Abby's 2nd year and Brody's 1st. We had a great time and enjoyed meeting all their new teachers and meeting new friends and seeing old friends. Here is a picture of Abby and Brody before we left in their new clothes for meet the teachers night!! We are so blessed that our babies get to be love on by awesome Lovers of Christ!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
What I'm Loving-Photo!!
Happy Wesnesday!! Its a hot one here in TX we are over a month of over 100 degrees temps!! ITS REALLY HOT!!! I pray the Lord has blessed ya'lls week!! I found some photes that I AM LOVING!!!
Here is a picture that I love from Abby's recital in May ( Abby is the second on the left)
Here is a picture that I love from Abby's recital in May ( Abby is the second on the left)

I'm loving how cute Abby was as SnowWhite last Friday at dance camp!!
These last 2 pictures are old pictures of the 2 oldest babies.

These last 2 pictures are old pictures of the 2 oldest babies.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
A Barbie SUV and our Little Race Car Drive
On Wesenday night we went to Toysrus so that Abby could pick what a new Princess outfit for the end of Dance Camp. She picked SnowWhite
Here is SnowWhite modeling
While we were there Abby wonder to the cars and they are both hoping Santa will leave these under the tree for them!!
Out little Race Car Driver!!
Every Girl should have a Pink SUV to drive around ( I secretly want one!!)
We had a good night and also got the kids some clothes and I just have to say I'm having the hardest time finding cute clothes for Abby. I'm really not into letting my 3 year old dress like a preteen ( what is up with that!!)
Here is SnowWhite modeling

Out little Race Car Driver!!

Every Girl should have a Pink SUV to drive around ( I secretly want one!!)

Our Weekend
We had a pretty good weekend!! Friday when David got home I had the kids all ready and we headed out for dinner at Chillis and then to to the Mall. We had to go to PotteryBarn Kids to get Abby and Brody new backpacks and lunchboxs for school ( well MDO) and while we where there we also got them new napmats. I will post pictures of them ( they are supper cute) when we pick them up this Friday from the Monogram place.
While we were getting the monogramming squared away, I looked down stairs and saw this BEAUTY!!! StarBucks is coming to the Mall!! YAY!!!
Saturday we went out to eat at the Crackle Barrel and then headed over to Cabelas to look around, Davids wants a new ShotGun, and Pistol. And he also needed some clothes :)
Here is Abby and David looking at the animals together
My Sweet Little Emma-Kate riding around with her new BFF Sophie the Giraffe!!
All the babies looking at the animals :)
I made this awesome, No Bake dessert this evening and it was AWESOME!!!!
And then I spent most of the Weekend doing this.....FOLDING CLOTHES!!!!
Today at church we had a great pastor and he was AWESOME!!! He was from Greater Mt. Zion Baspit Church and he had such a passionate heart for Christ, I had such a hard time taking my notes because you didn't want to look away from him. It was a great service!!
I hope ya'll had a blessed weekend!!!
While we were getting the monogramming squared away, I looked down stairs and saw this BEAUTY!!! StarBucks is coming to the Mall!! YAY!!!

Here is Abby and David looking at the animals together

I hope ya'll had a blessed weekend!!!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Dance Camp 2011
This week Abby had Princess Dance Camp at her dance studio, they did crafts, learned some new songs, learned a new dance. Had a TeaParty on the last day (Friday) and even had a visit from Cinderella!! She had a great time and I can't believe she is old enough to go to dance camp!! ( she is growing up to FAST!!!)
Abby on her 1st day of camp..She was so ready to leave!!
Abby on her 1st day of camp..She was so ready to leave!!

On the last day the could dress up like their favorite Princess ( which is Belle but she wanted to be SnowWhite) she wanted to be SnowWhite. One Wesneday night we took her to Toysrus to pick a new princess dress and accessorises. 
They had a little recital on Friday and this was them before they started their dance :)

They had a little recital on Friday and this was them before they started their dance :)
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
What I'm Loving!!
Its another HOT and Beautiful day here in Texas ( I can't wait for Fall!!) Here is what I'm loving this Wednesday!! 

I'm loving that I didn't RUSH out and buy the kidos Halloween costumes when PBK came out with their 2 weeks ago. Because I would have missed these even cutter ones from Gymboree!!
Here is Abby's a Fairy Princess!!

Here is Emma-Kate's a Baby Flower

Brody's a mini sheriff 

My awesome awesome hubby hunted this bad boy down!! Its the lunch box that matches Brody's backpack for Mother's Morning Out!! 
I'm loving Brody's new big boy backpack even tho, its way to big for him. But he is oh so cute!!!

I'm loving Brody's new big boy backpack even tho, its way to big for him. But he is oh so cute!!!

I'm loving this house!! We are praying that next year we will be able to build this house!! We live in the most expensive city in TX ( we don't get alot of house for our money here) 
Ofcrouse I'm Loving my beautiful family the Lord blessed me with!! Hopefully on Sunday we can get a new family picture done!!

Ofcrouse I'm Loving my beautiful family the Lord blessed me with!! Hopefully on Sunday we can get a new family picture done!!
Have a blessed rest of the week ya'll!!!
Brody's Big Boy Bed!!!
David and I did alot of talking and asking questions to Brodys pedi and development specialist, we finally decided to bite the bullet and put Brody in a big boy bed!! ( well its mattress on the floor we aren't ready for a bed on a bed frame just yet)
We got his quilt at HomesGood, I couldn't believe we got a 140 dollar quilt for 30 bucks!! The shame we got at the PotteryBarn outlet ( Brody has a rustic/cowboy theme room).
And here is the Picture!!!

We got his quilt at HomesGood, I couldn't believe we got a 140 dollar quilt for 30 bucks!! The shame we got at the PotteryBarn outlet ( Brody has a rustic/cowboy theme room).
And here is the Picture!!!

We haven't totally finish his room yet but once we do I will be putting those pictures up.
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