Today was a big day for Abby, her glasses came in!! We talked about getting her glasses while they were coming in. It took about a week and haft, David and I both told her that Mommy, Abby, Grammy and Emma-Kate would go and get her glasses, go for pancakes( the girl loves pancakes!!) and then if she wore her glasses all day she would get to pick out a toy!!

Abby before she got her glasses

Picture one with her glasses ( funny story Abby wont look at the camera to save my life!! Her Papa for the
first year of her life had a came to her face, I mean from the time she was brought out of the OR)

Abby with her glasses ( she is just to cute to stand!!)

Waiting for her Pancakes at Jim's ( my mom and dad eat there every Sunday Morning (even tho they should be at
Church) but when David is working on Sunday morning the kids and I do get free breakfast when we meet mom and dad at Jim's ,thanks mom and dad)

Drinking her chocolate milk ( Abby loves loves chocolate milk)

Emma-Kate waiting for her yummy eggs ( today was also the 1st day she
tryed pancakes and french toast!!)

After brunch we went to Target to get Abby her
special toy!! She did such a great job and wear them most of the day. ( getting a 3 year old to wear glasses is not easy) We are so proud of her!! Thank you to Grammy who came with us on Abby
special day!!