I hope all the Mom's out there had a great and blessed Mother's Day!! I'm so thankful the Lord has chosen me to be the mommy to my 3 beautiful babies!! I have great Joy in being a Mommy!! I really never wanted to be anything else growing up but a Wife and Mom!! This totally my dream job!!!
I know with this blessing of being a Mom comes with great responabitly from the Lord but not just the normal day to day stuff of raising babies. But raising Adults for Christ!! I have found through my 1st four years of being a Mom, I can't just talked about Jesus. I have to life it out!! By having the kids seeing me read my bible, by loving their Dad and praying for him, thanking the Lord for the clothes I have to wash, the food I get to cook and the toys I have to pick up.
My 3 babies that made me a Mommy

My Mother's Day weekend started out Friday night, David came home early and took us all out for dinner!! What a sweet heart, I didn't have to cook all weekend!!
Then we headed to the mall to get my Mom and Sister their gifts, all of us girls have a Pandora charm bracelet. My Dad likes to get us girls matching charms but the charm he wanted to get us I already had. So he picked a different one which was the bible and I got my Mom and Sister the Lady Bug charm that I already had. David has already given me my big gift which was my Tory Burch sandals but while we were at Pandora he decided to get me the Hope,Faith and Love charm.

Saturday morning bright and early we headed to our Church, for their BCA Summer Party. I blog about it earlier that Abby will be going to BCA in the fall and we are so excited that the Lord has put this on our hearts!! We are totally nerves about the payments but we know the Lord provide!! Glory be to God!! At the summer party they were going to sale gently used uniforms, let me tell you this uniforms are not cheap!! So I was excited to hear they were going to have a uniform swap!! We bought Abby's Chapel uniform which is normally 80 bucks for 10, thank you Jesus and to my friend Ashyle for saving her's for me to buy!! We also bought most of the clothes Abby will need for school next, we ended up only spending 100 bucks on almost a year worth of clothes. We did buy her some new stuff, like a Chapel headband, bow and matching socks that match her dress. A new BCA field trip shirt and now all we need is her shoes and once it gets colder a BCA jacket :) I'm so excited to see what the Lord has In store for our family at BCA!!
Abby in her new Chapel dress, so beautiful!!

I don't have any pictures from the party b/c my phone crashed!! :( But on the plus side after the party, I got a new iPhone!! Mommy was happy!! I had been waiting for my phone to die so I could get one :)
We went home after for naps, then headed out for dinner and to Walmart for food.
Sunday morning was Mother's day. We ate breakfast and headed to Church. Mother's Day is bitter sweet for me, I am a birth mom. I have a beautiful 9 year old who lives with her adoptive family. Our Pastor always talks about Birth Moms on Mother's Day, and I'm so thankful for that. Most people don't think of us as mothers but we are, I love my oldest daughter so much!!
After Church we headed out to lunch with my family, we were going to go eat at Long Horn Steakhouse but they had a 3 hour wait. So off to Texas Land and Catte we went. I love that place!!
My family at lunch

After lunch we headed to my parents house for flowers,gifts and cards.

While we were there my Uncle Jim, who Brody loves!! Played the gutitar with him.

And I got to spend some good sunngle time with this sweet baby girl, my niece Aubery!!

I saved the best for last, the gifts the kids made me at Church!!
My Doddle Flower

My beautiful potted flower from Abby

A sweet Mother's Day card from Brody

I'm so thankful for my life, I'm truly blessed!!
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