We had a great Easter!! The Easter Bunny came and left such wonderful goodies for the kids. We went to church to and Worship our Amazing Lord, Ryan our Pastor had a great sermon. We sang such beautiful and powerful Worship Songs. How blessed our we that we have a Savior that would allow himself to be nailed to the Cross to save us from an eternity with out him!! In our Church being Baspit the Pastor will say HE IS RISEN and we say back HE IS RISEN INDEED!! What powerful words!! After Church we went to my mom and dad's (grammy and papa) to eat lunch from our favorite BBQ place Rudy's. After lunch we headed out side to hunt eggs from the Easter Bunny. Then we headed to Davids mom and dad in Drippin for another Easter Egg hunt we had over 420 eggs for 7 kids!! I didn't get any picture those b/c at that point Brody had it :( We had such a blessed Easter and are so Thankful that God is Son, so that We may Live!!!
Greater Love has no one than this, that He lay down his Life for His Friends John 15:13
He is not here, for He has Risen, just as He said Matthew 28:6

The Easter Bunny Came!!

Abby early Easter morning by her basket

Blowing bubbles

Brody looking at his shoes the Easter Bunny left him

YAY!! A Veggie Tale move, his favorite!!

Playing with their goodies before Church

Happy 3 months Emma-Kate!!

My Easter Blessings

The best family picture we could get, doesn't look to bad with 3 under 3

Mommy and Emma-Kate

Brody found eggs, after these two he was done

Putting his eggs in his basket

Abby had a great time hunting eggs

Here is another one

Looking at their eggs, lots of candy to be eaten
Sorry about the spacing!!
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