We had a nice lazy weekend, after the crazy weekend we had last weekend it was a nice change of pace!!
Our weekend started with an at home date ( love those), we put the kids down a little early. Then David went out and got us some Taco Cabana ( which seems to be our at home date choice for dinner), it so was YUMMY!! We were going to watch a movie but couldn't find anything we wanted to watch so David played the X-box and I began looking up stuff for when we renew our vows. I'm so excited on our 10 year anniversary we are going to renew our vows( we have 4 years)
Saturday morning Daddy and Abby went and surprised everyone with doughnuts. Abby loves to get and get doughnuts or breakfast tacos with Daddy. Daddy had to work must of the day, so the kids and I stayed home. You will find this image allot around our house, this is Abby dressed up like "Baby Jesus's Mommy" (Mary) and baby Nala.

After Daddy got home we got dressed and headed for a family dinner out at Texas Roadhouse. We don't eat our allot b/c number one its cost 60 bucks every time we go somewhere and number 2 with 3 small kids you really don't eat anyways. You spend your time trying to keep them happy so they don't disturb other people eating their dinner. I do have to say tho, the kids did awesome at dinner and we were really PROUD!!!
Here is Brody and Daddy enjoying their dinner

Abby ( I just love her in her glasses!!)

and my almost one year old (insert sad face!! :( ) Emma-Kate

After dinner we went to Target to let Abby spend her weekly money ( I took the picture this morning b/c it was late when we got home last night), she picked a bath toy. She has been talking about this toy for the last week!! She was very happy to finally get it :)

This morning (Sunday) I woke up not feeling well so there went Church :( but Daddy did make breakfast (bacon, blueberry pancakes, and eggs) but before we ate Brody needed a little play time with Daddy in his room!!

Abby and Brody enjoying eating their breakfast outside ( they love having picnics)

I would love to be able to get a picture of Emma-Kate with her eyes open!!

After breakfast we decided to go ahead and go to HEB. Yeah that place was a mad house!!! We came home, the kids took naps and I made an ice coffee in my new cute little cup!!
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