Monday, January 31, 2011
Looking like a BIG BOY!!!!
On the day Emma-Kate was born my mom (so blessed by her) watched the kids. She took Abby to school and then had a special Big Brother Day with Brody. She got his hair cut, I didn't have time before Emma-Kate was born to get it cut ( OK I didn't want to cut it b/c of his curls). My Mom said that he is a big brother now and needs to have a big boy hair cute and let me tell you he looks like a BIG BOY!! Thank You Grammy for taking Brody to get his Big Boy hair cut!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011
Emma-Kate Grace

This sweet beautiful little girl joined our family on Monday the 24th, she weighed 8pounds 2 ounces and was 19 3/4 inches long. She was born at 8:02am!! After a week in the hospital we are home and doing great as a family of 6!! I can't believe we ever lived with out this little girl, she is a perfect fit to our family and a little girl is also a perfect way to complete a family!! Thank You Lord for my beautiful healthy family!!
I will post later about our hospital stay and our first days at home.
Monday, January 17, 2011
On week from today!!
At this time a week from today (the 24th) I will be in recovery and Emma Kate will be getting warm and clean!! The arrival of Emma Kate will complete our family, its also a crazy and blessed feeling to know that after Monday morning at 8:00am David and I will have 3 babies!! I feel so blessed!! Please Pray for us, that my c-section will go smoothly and everything leading up to the c-section and after!!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Update and Goals with Brody
Every six months we sit down with Brody specialist and talk about what he is doing and what our new goals are. I'm so proud of this little boy for the 1st 8 months of his sweet little life he did nothing but lay on the floor, he didn't play with toys and he couldn't hold his own bottle ( that happen at 10 months, I was a very happy mommy that day!!)
So at 15 months this is what Brody can do and at the end of the post I will post our new goals for this Handsome Man!!
*Can pull to a stand.
*Can chalk on the chalk board.
* Drink out of a cup ( big thing that he can even hold the cup).
* Can use the more sign

* Loves playing with his cars and other toys ( we had to teach Brody how to play with toys, he has been play with them for about 2 months now :) ).
So at 15 months this is what Brody can do and at the end of the post I will post our new goals for this Handsome Man!!

*Can chalk on the chalk board.
* Drink out of a cup ( big thing that he can even hold the cup).
* Can use the more sign
* Loves the DVD player in the car.
* Loves the TV.
* Can sit by himself.
* Can sit by himself.

* Loves playing with his cars and other toys ( we had to teach Brody how to play with toys, he has been play with them for about 2 months now :) ).
* Can Clap with out being told to ( like when we sing or say YAY!!) .
* We play a game where we point to some one and say I LOVE YOU!! And Brody can know play and point he grunts instead of saying I LOVE YOU but we are so happy with that!!
*Starting to use the eat sign.
*Starting to use the eat sign.
* Can eat with his hands using his pincher's if his food is small enough.
* Can Babel and make grunting nosies.
* Can stand up in his bed.
* Can stand up in his bed.
* Learned to play where's Brody.
* Is cruisngs.
*Is using a blanket at nap time and night night time ( a big step before we knew about Brody's special needs, we woke up twice with a blanket over his head, scary scary stuff)
*Is using a blanket at nap time and night night time ( a big step before we knew about Brody's special needs, we woke up twice with a blanket over his head, scary scary stuff)
* For him to gain weight at 15 months he weighs 20 pounds, hasn't gained anything in 4 months and as only gained 6 pounds since he was 6 months old.
* For him to walk my himself with a walker or holding our hands across a room.
* For him to learn more signs.
*For him to learn to stand with out planking out.
*Maybe to begin to use a spoon.
Mommy Loves you Sweet Boy!!!
Princess Angel Ballerina
I have had so many moms (including my mom) telling me all the funny and sweet things Abby is saying and being the mom that doesn't want to forget one memory or one thing my babies are doing or saying, I thought it was a great idea!! So I'm going to start writing down the funny and sweet things she is saying and every couple of months or so, I'm going to write a post!! I hope you enjoy these so much as I do!!

* Mommy you tummy sick Dr Mac fix it (I'm 9 days away from having Emma Kate and Dr Mac is my OB).
* Mommy I need my mayup (make up) purse and phone.
* If she really wants something like cookies she will say Mommy I love Cookies ( she will drag out the Love and Cookies or whatever she wants at the time) .
* Mommy, Buba is a Big Boy( so sweet).
* I'm Buba (and) Emma Kate(we are still working on putting Emma Kate in there) big sissy.
* She start to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and Abby around Christmas ( I guess she shares a birthday with Jesus).
* Mommy your a pretty princess ( so sweet).
* I love you mommy ( melts my heart).
* When she is getting in trouble she tells me mommy Abby said sad, Abby crying, hold you ( meaning she wants me to hold her).
* Abby is a Princess Angel Ballerina ( Abby talks to 3rd person)
* I need some Abby Juice ( Apple Juice)
Bible Verse!!
This year I have decided to learn 24 bible verse with Beth Moore and about 8000s other women. I will be posting my verses on the 1st and the 15th, I found out about this at the end of 2009 and was bummed to find out that they weren't going to do the Bible Verse team in 2010. But I'm happy that they are doing it in 2011 :) I'm looking forward to drawing closer to the Lord this year!!
My two verse for January are:
1) You crown the year with your good blessings and you leave abundance in your wake. Psalm 65:11
2) I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. John 1:4
I would love for you to join to me check out Beth Moore's blog for all the details!! Blog.lproof.org
She will be doing a big party in Houston at the end of the year for all the Bible Verse team!! HOW FUN!!
My two verse for January are:
1) You crown the year with your good blessings and you leave abundance in your wake. Psalm 65:11
2) I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. John 1:4
I would love for you to join to me check out Beth Moore's blog for all the details!! Blog.lproof.org
She will be doing a big party in Houston at the end of the year for all the Bible Verse team!! HOW FUN!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Update on Emma Kate!!!

This sweet little blessing will be joining our family in 11 days!!! Emma Kate will make her grand entrance into the world on the 24th!! We have to be at the Hospital at 5:30am on the 24 and my c-section will start at 7:30am. So before 8am, Emma Kate should be here!! I can't wait to kiss this sweet face, and to see all my blessings together!! Pray for us in 11 days we will have 3 under 3, Abby will be 2 1/2 and Brody will be 15 months.
At 35 weeks my Doc told me that she was close to 6 pounds, I can't wait to see her birth weight since she has had 4 more weeks to go!!
For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 1Samuel 1:27
Abby's 1st day of Dance!!

UPDATE: Her 1st recital is on May 7Th, and their costumes are PRECIOUS!!!
Abby's 1st day back at Kingdom Kids WeekDay!!
Abby had a GREAT day back at Kingdom Kids Weekday at our church after the Christmas break. I think she asked me everyday if she was going to school today. I'm so glad that David and I decided to put Abby in there this year. She has learned so much about Jesus ( I have no greater joy than to hear my children walk in the truth 3 John 1:4) she loves sings song about him and praying!! She now prays at breakfast, lunch and dinner and we always pray at nap time and bedtime or she won't go to sleep. I love that she is loving the Lord!! She can count to 13 and with a little help can count to 20, knows her colors and shapes. And for Christmas she made us the cutest calender ( if you come over to the house I will show it to you) of artwork that she did and pictures of her!! She also gave us the sweetest coffee mug that she painted and has a beautiful picture of her on it ( I will also show you that too) I'm one PROUD MOMMY!! We know that Grammy and Papa are plotting to steal these!! I'm thinking about putting an alarm on them!! hahaha!!
Here is Abby on the 1st day of school August 2010
Abby on the 1st day back after Christmas Break January 2011 (Please excuse the haft sleepy face!!)
Here is Abby on the 1st day of school August 2010

Big Boy Brody!!
Warning I didn't get a picture of it, we were at dance class and I didn't have my camera :(
We were at Abby dance class on Thursday morning; Brody and I were hanging out in the lobby with all of the moms and brothers. Brody was playing with a couple of his friends on the floor, and if you know anything about Brody you know that we have been trying to get him to play with blocks and stack them. Well what did he do on Thursday morning HE STACKED A BLOCK!!! Oh My Gosh, I must have looked like a mad woman dancing around and telling him that he was such a Boy Big and that I was So Proud of Him!! If you have a special needs child that has an older sibling you take allot for granted like playing with blocks or any other toy. Or my biggest one that I took for granted was that Abby could walk good at 15 months, Brody just learned to 4 point crawl and is beginning to cruises.
Brody never seems to amaze me everyday with about he is learning to do!!
I promise as soon as I get a picture of him stacking blocks I will update this post!!
We were at Abby dance class on Thursday morning; Brody and I were hanging out in the lobby with all of the moms and brothers. Brody was playing with a couple of his friends on the floor, and if you know anything about Brody you know that we have been trying to get him to play with blocks and stack them. Well what did he do on Thursday morning HE STACKED A BLOCK!!! Oh My Gosh, I must have looked like a mad woman dancing around and telling him that he was such a Boy Big and that I was So Proud of Him!! If you have a special needs child that has an older sibling you take allot for granted like playing with blocks or any other toy. Or my biggest one that I took for granted was that Abby could walk good at 15 months, Brody just learned to 4 point crawl and is beginning to cruises.
Brody never seems to amaze me everyday with about he is learning to do!!
I promise as soon as I get a picture of him stacking blocks I will update this post!!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Happy 5th Wedding Anniversary

A couple of reason of why I love my Husband,
1) He is an amazing Daddy.
2) The hardest worker I know, working up to 7 days a week to get his company off the ground.
3) He always follows things through, after working 7 years he can now call himself a Master Electricain.
4) He loves me and tells me that every chance he gets that he does.
5) Together we have almost 3 Beautiful babies, Abby who is 2 1/2, Brody who is 15 months and Emma Kate who is will be here on the 24th.
6) Loves the Lord.
And there is so many more reasons why I love this Handsome Man!!
Last year was a hard year for David and I; in May we find out that our son Brody had some specail needs and then 2 weeks later we find out we were expecting our 3rd. The Devil tried everything he could to tear our marriage and family apart. But here we are about to celebrate our 5th Anniversary tonight ( buying a crib for Emma Kate). Our GOD is an AWESOME GOD!!!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Goals for 2011
2010 was a bitter sweet year for the Dill family, we found out in May that Brody has some special needs, that tested our marriage in a way it was never been tested before. We decided we were done having babies and then 2 weeks after finding out about Brody; we find out we were expecting number 3. I know the Lord says he will never give you more then you can handle, well he must think we can handle ALOT!! I just kept this verse close to my heart during the last part of the year "I can do all thing through Christ because He gives me strength" Phillppians 4:13. We are excited to be welcoming Emma Kate in less than 4 weeks!! We were excited when David passed his master test on the 1st try, it was such a God thing!! After 7 years of hard work David can finally say he is a Master Electrician!! We are so excited to see where the Lord takes David's company!!
Our Goals for 2011, in no order,
1) To get Brody walking by himself or with a walker.
2) To learn more sing language, so we can better communicate with Brody.
3) To either find a new church or a different growth group at our church now that we feel welcomed.
4) To get Abby potty trained and off the paci.
5) To only eat out once a week after church on Sundays.
6) For me to take care of myself, I need to find Ashley in all the roles I have.
7) To get on a cleaning schedule.
8) To find a 4 bedroom single story house.
9) To start going to bible study and stick with it.
10) T0 learn the 24 verses that I signed up to learn this year.
Things we are looking forward to in 2011, in no order,
1) Abby 2nd year of mothers morning out and Brody's 1st year.
2) The birth of Emma Kate.
3) Seeing where the Lord takes David's Company.
4) Watching Abby in her 1st dance recital.
5) Abby's 3rd birthday.
6) Brody's 2nd birthday.
7) Mine and David's 5th wedding anniversary (which is in 6 days!!)
I'm praying you and your family are blessed this year!!!
"You crown the year with your good blessings, and you leave abundance in your wake" Psalm 65:11
Our Goals for 2011, in no order,
1) To get Brody walking by himself or with a walker.
2) To learn more sing language, so we can better communicate with Brody.
3) To either find a new church or a different growth group at our church now that we feel welcomed.
4) To get Abby potty trained and off the paci.
5) To only eat out once a week after church on Sundays.
6) For me to take care of myself, I need to find Ashley in all the roles I have.
7) To get on a cleaning schedule.
8) To find a 4 bedroom single story house.
9) To start going to bible study and stick with it.
10) T0 learn the 24 verses that I signed up to learn this year.
Things we are looking forward to in 2011, in no order,
1) Abby 2nd year of mothers morning out and Brody's 1st year.
2) The birth of Emma Kate.
3) Seeing where the Lord takes David's Company.
4) Watching Abby in her 1st dance recital.
5) Abby's 3rd birthday.
6) Brody's 2nd birthday.
7) Mine and David's 5th wedding anniversary (which is in 6 days!!)
I'm praying you and your family are blessed this year!!!
"You crown the year with your good blessings, and you leave abundance in your wake" Psalm 65:11
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