Abby had a GREAT day back at Kingdom Kids Weekday at our church after the Christmas break. I think she asked me everyday if she was going to school today. I'm so glad that David and I decided to put Abby in there this year. She has learned so much about Jesus ( I have no greater joy than to hear my children walk in the truth 3 John 1:4) she loves sings song about him and praying!! She now prays at breakfast, lunch and dinner and we always pray at
nap time and bedtime or she won't go to sleep. I love that she is loving the Lord!! She can count to 13 and with a little help can count to 20, knows her colors and shapes. And for Christmas she made us the
cutest calender ( if you come over to the house I will show it to you) of artwork that she did and pictures of her!! She also gave us the sweetest coffee mug that she painted and has a beautiful picture of her on it ( I will also show you that too) I'm one PROUD MOMMY!! We know that Grammy and Papa are
plotting to steal these!! I'm thinking about putting an alarm on them!!
Here is Abby on the 1st day of school
August 2010

Abby on the 1st day back after Christmas Break
January 2011 (Please excuse the haft sleepy face!!)

She looks like a little girl here and not a
toddler!! I'm so PROUD of the wonderful little girl, she is becoming!!
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