So at 15 months this is what Brody can do and at the end of the post I will post our new goals for this Handsome Man!!

*Can chalk on the chalk board.
* Drink out of a cup ( big thing that he can even hold the cup).
* Can use the more sign
* Loves the DVD player in the car.
* Loves the TV.
* Can sit by himself.
* Can sit by himself.

* Loves playing with his cars and other toys ( we had to teach Brody how to play with toys, he has been play with them for about 2 months now :) ).
* Can Clap with out being told to ( like when we sing or say YAY!!) .
* We play a game where we point to some one and say I LOVE YOU!! And Brody can know play and point he grunts instead of saying I LOVE YOU but we are so happy with that!!
*Starting to use the eat sign.
*Starting to use the eat sign.
* Can eat with his hands using his pincher's if his food is small enough.
* Can Babel and make grunting nosies.
* Can stand up in his bed.
* Can stand up in his bed.
* Learned to play where's Brody.
* Is cruisngs.
*Is using a blanket at nap time and night night time ( a big step before we knew about Brody's special needs, we woke up twice with a blanket over his head, scary scary stuff)
*Is using a blanket at nap time and night night time ( a big step before we knew about Brody's special needs, we woke up twice with a blanket over his head, scary scary stuff)
* For him to gain weight at 15 months he weighs 20 pounds, hasn't gained anything in 4 months and as only gained 6 pounds since he was 6 months old.
* For him to walk my himself with a walker or holding our hands across a room.
* For him to learn more signs.
*For him to learn to stand with out planking out.
*Maybe to begin to use a spoon.
Mommy Loves you Sweet Boy!!!
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