Thursday, March 24, 2011

Emma-Kate is 2 Months!!!

Emma I can't believe you are 2 months now, where did those 2 months go!! Your such a blessings and your bubba and sissy love you so much, as well as Mommy and Daddy!!

Here is all about you at 2 months :)

Your weigh 12.9 pounds

Your 21 3/4 inches long

You sleep from about 8pm to 1am to 5am then you start your day at 8am

Your not the best nap taker but I'm sure Bubba and Sissy have something to do with that.

You love to watch Bubba and Sissy play and you love her Daddy ( Me too)

You eat between 4 and 6 oz at a time every 2 days during the day.

You LOVE to EAT!!

Thank You Jesus for this Blessing!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Abby the Chef

Abby loves to help me in kitchen so every couple of days I try and get her in the kitchen with me to bake something. Its a really special time for us, with 3 under 3 I'm stretched thin allot of the time. So I try and do special things through out the week with each kid
Abby waiting for us to get started

Helping putting in the cupcake sheets

our pumpkin cake cups, so yummy!!! We love anything pumpkin around here, even when its 80 degrees outside :)

The Beauty in a Pink SwimSuit

Abby and Mommy had some specail time today when Bubba and Sissy were taking thier naps. We went outside to play and then make some pumpkin cupcakes ( more on that later). Abby is in love with Dance ( she loves to go to dance class), so while I was at Target the other day. I saw this pink TUTU swimsuit and from the second Abby saw it she was in Love. I love that I have a girly girl on my hands!! :) Love this picture, its such a sweet picture, Abby walking to the roller coaster

On the way down

Posing for Mommy in her tutu swimsuit and her supper model sunglasses
Mommy had such a great time you sweet girl!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The start of Spring 2011

Today the weather was PREFECT and we spent the afternoon outside. The Spring season has began and it makes this Mommy uber happy!! I love this time of year, I love spring dresses, painted toe nail, white sandels, planting flowers, swinging on the swings, polo shirts, Easter dresses. Grammy came over today also for a vist and to play with the kids which made the day even better. We broke out the water table for the frist time this year. Abby making her bubbles

Stir, stir

Bubba came out to injoin the weather and play :)

Mrs. Martha(Brody's PT) came over to play

Having lots of fun playing in the water

Having such a good time

All wet ( that night we went out and bought swim suits)

Walking holding Mrs. Martha's hands ( this picture makes me smile) :) He shouldn't be able to do this yet.

Counting down to ride the roller coaster, Abby waiting to help push Brody ( such a sweet girl I have) :)

There he goes!!! So much fun!!

Brody learned how to blow flowers today during PT and this is my new favorite picture of him. :)

Emma-Kate is a month old!!

Sorry I haven't posted in FOREVER over a month!! But I have taken a blogging break to join our new family of 5 and get settled in to some what of a schedule. Emma-Kate turned a month old on February 24th (I'm a little late)
She weighed 9pounds 9 oz at her month check up and was 20 and 3/4 inches long.

She sleeps allot still during the day and at night sleeps from about 9pm to 2 or 3am and then from 3 or 4 am to 6 or 7am. I'm thankful for a good sleeper!!

She eat 4 oz at a time and eats anywhere from every 2 to 4 hours (she is a healthy girl!!)

We are very in love with this little girl and so thankful the Lord blessed our family with her!!