Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We have a big girl in the house!!

David and Abby have been practicing writing her name and she wrote her name!! We are so PROUD of her!!

Here is our big girl

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Our Weekend

We had a pretty busy weekend at the Dill house. Friday we didn't do much of anything b/c I knew Saturday was going to be CRAZY!!! I fed the kids dinner, they took a bath and then I rolled Abby's hair!! Abby had her second dance recital Saturday and they needed to have curly hair. Abby is the only one out of the us girls that doesn't have curly hair. So instead of spending 40 bucks for Spin It's to curl her hair I bought sponge rollers and prayed for the best!!

Abby in her rollers

After the kids went to bed, my Mom and I headed to Target and HEB. Y'all I only spent 160 at HEB for the week!!! That's haft of what I usually spend to feed us for a week!! It really does help to leave the kids and hubby at home!! :) But before I left, I told David that if Abby wanted her rollers out, then just to take them out. Well Abby slept through the night with her rollers in and in the morning she was so happy to see that she had curly hair just like Mommy and Emma-Kate!!

Saturday morning David and Brody headed out to Sport Clips for haircuts. Well they were out, I got Abby in her costume and did her makeup, got Emma-Kate dressed. Then I got dressed, by that time the boys were home, ate lunch and the headed to Abby's dance pictures done. We had some time to kill, so we walked around Jcpenney and I found the coolest K-Cup holder. We have a small kitchen and the regular holder just seem to take up a lot of counter space. So got this one

My Keurig sits on top and

the bottom comes out and it's a tray for all my K-cups

We headed to Abby's recital and it was a mad house, and I mean a mad house!! The Fire Mashral had to come out and told us we couldn't start until we found a sit. Well we didn't and had to head to the lobby, which by this time David had steam going from his ears. See we pay 60 dollars for recital fees on top of everything else. There were a couple of other families that couldn't get sits either. So my hubby found the owner, which David is in the same Network as him. They talked and we finally found sits right before Abby went on!! Thank you, Jesus!! Abby did great, she made such a beautiful ballerina!!

Our beautiful ballerina!!!

Afterwards we headed to Logan's to eat dinner, it was bedtime!! It was such a long day!!!

Sunday was Church, David and I went to service and then worked in the nursery!! We got lunch and headed home to eat and nap!!

We had a great weekend, I hope y'all did too!!

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Mother's Day Weekend 2012

I hope all the Mom's out there had a great and blessed Mother's Day!! I'm so thankful the Lord has chosen me to be the mommy to my 3 beautiful babies!! I have great Joy in being a Mommy!! I really never wanted to be anything else growing up but a Wife and Mom!! This totally my dream job!!!

I know with this blessing of being a Mom comes with great responabitly from the Lord but not just the normal day to day stuff of raising babies. But raising Adults for Christ!! I have found through my 1st four years of being a Mom, I can't just talked about Jesus. I have to life it out!! By having the kids seeing me read my bible, by loving their Dad and praying for him, thanking the Lord for the clothes I have to wash, the food I get to cook and the toys I have to pick up.

My 3 babies that made me a Mommy

My Mother's Day weekend started out Friday night, David came home early and took us all out for dinner!! What a sweet heart, I didn't have to cook all weekend!!

Then we headed to the mall to get my Mom and Sister their gifts, all of us girls have a Pandora charm bracelet. My Dad likes to get us girls matching charms but the charm he wanted to get us I already had. So he picked a different one which was the bible and I got my Mom and Sister the Lady Bug charm that I already had. David has already given me my big gift which was my Tory Burch sandals but while we were at Pandora he decided to get me the Hope,Faith and Love charm.

Saturday morning bright and early we headed to our Church, for their BCA Summer Party. I blog about it earlier that Abby will be going to BCA in the fall and we are so excited that the Lord has put this on our hearts!! We are totally nerves about the payments but we know the Lord provide!! Glory be to God!! At the summer party they were going to sale gently used uniforms, let me tell you this uniforms are not cheap!! So I was excited to hear they were going to have a uniform swap!! We bought Abby's Chapel uniform which is normally 80 bucks for 10, thank you Jesus and to my friend Ashyle for saving her's for me to buy!! We also bought most of the clothes Abby will need for school next, we ended up only spending 100 bucks on almost a year worth of clothes. We did buy her some new stuff, like a Chapel headband, bow and matching socks that match her dress. A new BCA field trip shirt and now all we need is her shoes and once it gets colder a BCA jacket :) I'm so excited to see what the Lord has In store for our family at BCA!!

Abby in her new Chapel dress, so beautiful!!

I don't have any pictures from the party b/c my phone crashed!! :( But on the plus side after the party, I got a new iPhone!! Mommy was happy!! I had been waiting for my phone to die so I could get one :)

We went home after for naps, then headed out for dinner and to Walmart for food.

Sunday morning was Mother's day. We ate breakfast and headed to Church. Mother's Day is bitter sweet for me, I am a birth mom. I have a beautiful 9 year old who lives with her adoptive family. Our Pastor always talks about Birth Moms on Mother's Day, and I'm so thankful for that. Most people don't think of us as mothers but we are, I love my oldest daughter so much!!

After Church we headed out to lunch with my family, we were going to go eat at Long Horn Steakhouse but they had a 3 hour wait. So off to Texas Land and Catte we went. I love that place!!

My family at lunch

After lunch we headed to my parents house for flowers,gifts and cards.

While we were there my Uncle Jim, who Brody loves!! Played the gutitar with him.

And I got to spend some good sunngle time with this sweet baby girl, my niece Aubery!!

I saved the best for last, the gifts the kids made me at Church!!

My Doddle Flower

My beautiful potted flower from Abby

A sweet Mother's Day card from Brody

I'm so thankful for my life, I'm truly blessed!!

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ASID, Lots of Rain and a Lunch Date!!

Today we had a meeting with AISD for Brody. Brody was born with some special need and has been in ECI since he was about 6 months. When he turns 3 in October, ECI will drop him and the school distract will pick him up. If all goes to plans Brody will be going to school Monday through Friday for 3 hours each day. It's so hard sometimes being a mom of a special needs child b/c you want their needs met and sometimes you feel like their not being met and you have to fight!! I don't mind fighting for my child but we are praying that this will be a smooth transition from ECI to the school. The school in our neighborhood is a great school, so thankful for that!!
When we got home we relived Grammy, who was staying with the girls. We feed everyone and put them down for naps!! I was so surprised but David decided to stay home, so he order us some pizza and we had an in home date lunch!! It was so rainy that day it rained all day and well into the night, one days like that it makes me so thankful for my sweet little cozy home!!
Our yummy, pizza lunch date!! We had never had Austin Pizza but we LOVED it!! So YUMMY!!

Outside of our front door, please excused our grass or the lack of it!! :(

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Following the Lord's path

Our Church opened a private school last year, Bannockburn Christian Academy and when I heard that why had opened, I was so excited!! I felt the Lord calling our childern that but there was no big problem my husband. He felt there was no way we could afford 3 kids in private school, so I just stoped talking about it.

And there was a time I really didn't feel called there anymore, so in our night prayers with the kids, I just began praying that the kids would have great friends and teacher at BCA or public school. I trust the Lord that what ever school he choose for our kids, he would take care of them!! A couple of months past and it was time to start thinking about school for the kids, (MMO) we visted a couple but never really felt like we were supposed to be there. At the end of that week, David and I were cleaning out a cabint in the kitchen. When all of the sudden David looked up and said what about BCA, Abby could go to Pr-K there and Emma-Kate could go back to KKW, Brody will go into PPCD in the fall. That next Monday we were touring the school and tears were falling from my eyes!! This is we were supposed to be!!

Here is Abby about to leave for our family interview!! She is so proud and so thankful, so thanks God everynight for BCA!!

Satan has really tried to make us question this decesion, somethings came up with David's company and we had a check bounced, we almost lost her spot. But the Lord worked it out and her spot was saved!! When you follow the Lord's path he will provide!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Early Mother's Day Goodies

This weekend after the kids went to bed Grammy came over to watch the kids so David and I could run to the mall. He needed some aftershave and I needed a new pair of sandals. We got David's aftershave and then headed to Macy so I could get the perfume I wanted to wear to Church on Mother's Day(I knew this was going to be an early gift). We left Macy's and headed to Nordstrom for me to look at some sandals and here is where my big Mother's Day gift comes in, David surprised me with getting me the Tory Burch sandals I have wanted for the past two summers!! Oh my gosh, I love them. I still can't believe he got them for me bc spending that much on sandal isn't something we do. But I feels very blessed to have them' Thank you Honey!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday, Monday

I'm trying the blogger app on my iPad so we will see how it goes!!

Today we did nothing at all, I always hate having something to on Mondays because the weekends are always busy for us. But that will all change once fall hits and Brody and Emma-Kate start Preschool and Abby has dance (the only day that works with our schedule) Emma-Kate was playing with a play phone and was "talking to her Dada" and I thought it was so sweet!!