Monday, May 14, 2012

Following the Lord's path

Our Church opened a private school last year, Bannockburn Christian Academy and when I heard that why had opened, I was so excited!! I felt the Lord calling our childern that but there was no big problem my husband. He felt there was no way we could afford 3 kids in private school, so I just stoped talking about it.

And there was a time I really didn't feel called there anymore, so in our night prayers with the kids, I just began praying that the kids would have great friends and teacher at BCA or public school. I trust the Lord that what ever school he choose for our kids, he would take care of them!! A couple of months past and it was time to start thinking about school for the kids, (MMO) we visted a couple but never really felt like we were supposed to be there. At the end of that week, David and I were cleaning out a cabint in the kitchen. When all of the sudden David looked up and said what about BCA, Abby could go to Pr-K there and Emma-Kate could go back to KKW, Brody will go into PPCD in the fall. That next Monday we were touring the school and tears were falling from my eyes!! This is we were supposed to be!!

Here is Abby about to leave for our family interview!! She is so proud and so thankful, so thanks God everynight for BCA!!

Satan has really tried to make us question this decesion, somethings came up with David's company and we had a check bounced, we almost lost her spot. But the Lord worked it out and her spot was saved!! When you follow the Lord's path he will provide!!

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