Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goals for 2011

2010 was a bitter sweet year for the Dill family, we found out in May that Brody has some special needs, that tested our marriage in a way it was never been tested before. We decided we were done having babies and then 2 weeks after finding out about Brody; we find out we were expecting number 3. I know the Lord says he will never give you more then you can handle, well he must think we can handle ALOT!! I just kept this verse close to my heart during the last part of the year "I can do all thing through Christ because He gives me strength" Phillppians 4:13. We are excited to be welcoming Emma Kate in less than 4 weeks!! We were excited when David passed his master test on the 1st try, it was such a God thing!! After 7 years of hard work David can finally say he is a Master Electrician!! We are so excited to see where the Lord takes David's company!!

Our Goals for 2011, in no order,

1) To get Brody walking by himself or with a walker.
2) To learn more sing language, so we can better communicate with Brody.
3) To either find a new church or a different growth group at our church now that we feel welcomed.
4) To get Abby potty trained and off the paci.
5) To only eat out once a week after church on Sundays.
6) For me to take care of myself, I need to find Ashley in all the roles I have.
7) To get on a cleaning schedule.
8) To find a 4 bedroom single story house.
9) To start going to bible study and stick with it.
10) T0 learn the 24 verses that I signed up to learn this year.

Things we are looking forward to in 2011, in no order,

1) Abby 2nd year of mothers morning out and Brody's 1st year.
2) The birth of Emma Kate.
3) Seeing where the Lord takes David's Company.
4) Watching Abby in her 1st dance recital.
5) Abby's 3rd birthday.
6) Brody's 2nd birthday.
7) Mine and David's 5th wedding anniversary (which is in 6 days!!)

I'm praying you and your family are blessed this year!!!

"You crown the year with your good blessings, and you leave abundance in your wake" Psalm 65:11

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