Saturday, January 15, 2011

Update and Goals with Brody

Every six months we sit down with Brody specialist and talk about what he is doing and what our new goals are. I'm so proud of this little boy for the 1st 8 months of his sweet little life he did nothing but lay on the floor, he didn't play with toys and he couldn't hold his own bottle ( that happen at 10 months, I was a very happy mommy that day!!)

So at 15 months this is what Brody can do and at the end of the post I will post our new goals for this Handsome Man!!
*Can pull to a stand.
*Can chalk on the chalk board.
* Drink out of a cup ( big thing that he can even hold the cup).
* Can use the more sign
* Sits in a big boy car seat facing front ( big big thing for him to be able to face front).
* Loves the DVD player in the car.
* Loves the TV.
* Can sit by himself.

* Loves playing with his cars and other toys ( we had to teach Brody how to play with toys, he has been play with them for about 2 months now :) ).
* Can Clap with out being told to ( like when we sing or say YAY!!) .
* We play a game where we point to some one and say I LOVE YOU!! And Brody can know play and point he grunts instead of saying I LOVE YOU but we are so happy with that!!
*Starting to use the eat sign.
* Has started to dance ( moving back in forth).
* Can eat with his hands using his pincher's if his food is small enough.
* Can Babel and make grunting nosies.
* Can stand up in his bed.

* Yesterday he started to ask like he was talking on his play phone.
* Learned to play where's Brody.
* Is cruisngs.
*Is using a blanket at nap time and night night time ( a big step before we knew about Brody's special needs, we woke up twice with a blanket over his head, scary scary stuff)

Our Goals for Brody,
* For him to gain weight at 15 months he weighs 20 pounds, hasn't gained anything in 4 months and as only gained 6 pounds since he was 6 months old.
* For him to walk my himself with a walker or holding our hands across a room.
* For him to learn more signs.
*For him to learn to stand with out planking out.
*Maybe to begin to use a spoon.
Mommy Loves you Sweet Boy!!!

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